King Akkineni Nagarjuna started shooting for ‘Rajanna’ movie, directed by Vijayendra Prasad - S.S.Rajamouli’s father. Rajanna regular shooting has commenced yesterday at Hyderabad and the movie would have the backdrop. The movie has Nagarjuna playing the title role Rajanna.
Vijayendra Prasad previously lent stories to all Rajamouli’s films and now he is about to make his Telugu cinema debut with Rajanna. Nagarjuna is producing Rajanna movie under his own banner
Annapurna Studios. Rajanna has the setting of Telangana Razakar Movement. Sneha, who worked with Nagarjuna for Sri Ramadasu, is playing heroine in Rajanna.Nagarjuna and Sneha under Vijayendra Prasad direction movie 'Rajanna' preparing to release for Dasara 2011.
Vijayendra Prasad previously lent stories to all Rajamouli’s films and now he is about to make his Telugu cinema debut with Rajanna. Nagarjuna is producing Rajanna movie under his own banner
Annapurna Studios. Rajanna has the setting of Telangana Razakar Movement. Sneha, who worked with Nagarjuna for Sri Ramadasu, is playing heroine in Rajanna.Nagarjuna and Sneha under Vijayendra Prasad direction movie 'Rajanna' preparing to release for Dasara 2011.